The Art Nouveau Era

What fan of vintage jewelry doesn’t have at least a glancing acquaintance with the Art Nouveau Era (roughly 1890-1910), an era of particular grace and elegance in the decorative arts?

Art Nouveau Pendant

Art Nouveau Maiden Pendant

This beloved art style encompassed all of the decorative arts: painting, graphic print, architecture, stained glass windows, statuary, lamps, furniture, jewelry, even wrought iron gates! Both opulent and intricate, Art Nouveau speaks of a more elegant, civilized era–where gentlemen still wore top hats and ladies, bustles.

Art Nouveau Hallway

Art Nouveau Hallway

Some of the most captivating images of the era appear on famous posters by names you’ll recognize: Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Rudolphe Salis . . .

Black Cat Poster - Rudolphe Salis

Tour of the Black Cat by Rudolphe Salis

One could spend a lifetime studying and reveling in the romance and sauce of this era . . . more to come . . .

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